For Jeanine Alfieri creating art has been for me a journey of discovery. She is always learning something new about her work.
Her attraction toward the female form is natural. Its power, beauty and sensuality continues to drive and inspire her.
Using a cast from life Jeanine gets the sense that she ha captured a part of that life’s energy. And with each casting the female figure allows her to explore and portray many different concepts, whether they be literal or abstract.
The use of fabric, leather and steel in Jeanine’s work holds a different meaning. Its root in texture and the sense of touch. Their obvious contrasts are a factor as well. These positive and negative shapes share with the figure a movement and flow of energy. By placing these elements side by side a friction is created, which she manipulates into one movement that works independently as well as together. There is also a feeling of decay present as the materials are molded and shaped.
The successful construction of all these materials remains a constant challenge. Jeanine sees no end to its possibilities.

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