!!!Open Call Opportunity!!!

Date(s) - Aug 23 2024

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Image by Kortez Robinson

Mendacity is a noun that connotes a persistent state of dishonesty, hypocrisy, and audacity. It
certainly indicative of our current political and social climate.
What if we just changed the accent to the first syllable and said it slowly? It then becomes
MEND- a-City – a goal that requires honesty, transparency, and courage.

MENDaCity is the title for one of Artfront Galleries’ shows that will be part of the Newark Arts
Festival October 9 through 13, 2024. The site will be Newark Local Beer, 538 Broad St.
Artfront is seeking artwork that examines this contradiction. We inhabit a world of alternate
facts creating deep chasms dividing us. But we can also envision art shining a healing light on
the truth. Street artists are the true prophets so we are especially interested in work with that
vibe – just no profanity please.
If interested, please submit JPG images using this naming convention
artist_title_dimensions.jpg. DO NOT SEND LINKS TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA.

Unfortunately, we cannot consider sculpture or videos.

Deadline for submission to
artfrontgalleries@gmail.com is Friday August 23, 2024.

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