Urban Exegesis is the 5th in the series of “Urban Evidence” shows produced by Artfront Galleries since October of 2015. All of the material in these shows express the influence of urban living on the artists, themes, media and content. This may be...
A couple of years ago, I posted a satirical piece on Facebook claiming to be “outraged” at the appearance of public art in Newark. I went on to promote (a mythical) Assembly Law 204 which would prevent the funding, creation or exhibition of fine art in...
April 29, 2016 marks the debut of Artfront Galleries a NJ Nonprofit Corporation. Note the word “corporation”. In the last two weeks we formed a Board of Directors; drafted articles of incorporation and by-laws; obtained a FEIN; and, received our...
Take it from Freud (Sigmund or his grandson Lucian): Artists are a solitary lot. They rarely collaborate or join “groups” or pursue “goals” or “mutual causes” that are arts oriented but often attach their names (not their...
A recent sojourn in Central and Eastern Europe (Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Greece and Turkey) showed me the importance of the preservation of architecture, the complex relationship among government, the Roman and Orthodox Catholic rites, Islam, entrepreneurs and...